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University/College Sanitizing

Each year college campuses are plagued with a multitude of contagious diseases such as H1N1, Hand Foot & Mouth disease, Mumps, Mono, Meningitis, and Norovirus. There are a number of reasons why these diseases are spread. Some of them are unsanitary living quarters, such as campus housing, unsanitary common areas like bathrooms, dining halls and campus centers, unsanitary transportation such as campus busing and un-sanitized learning areas such as classrooms and libraries. Even though these areas might be cleaned on a daily basis by a cleaning staff, there is rarely a protocol for sanitation for these areas.

Some of the negative effects of campus outbreaks include student, faculty members, and campus personnel absenteeism, fast spread of the virus, bad publicity for the university, and a great financial loss.

Hidden Campus Dangers

What can universities do to help prevent & deal with outbreaks?
To prevent outbreaks in universities you should have a comprehensive sanitization protocol for all common areas and living quarters. This protocol should include:

Germinator is the best solution

Germinator provides a safe, natural and sustainable methodology to creating a safer and healthier environment at universities for students and faculty. We are equipped to work efficiently and effectively so that results are virtually instantaneous to application. Thanks to a proprietary system, we are able to offer an unrivaled method for providing a safe, green solution to battle on campus illnesses.

Prevent and attack outbreaks with Germinator

Why Use Germinator

Germinator is a strong sanitizing program that helps you avoid suffering from illness, significantly reduces missed classes, reduces financial losses due to absenteeism, shows students and parents that you are going the extra mile to protect them, reduces chances of negative publicity for the school from outbreaks, and gives you a revenue share plan that can be a strong profit center.

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