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Blog Posts for the month April, 2016

April 27, 2016

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Your Cellphone is Dirtier Thank You Think Your Cell Phone Is Dirtier than You Think

Cleaning an electronic device is not an easy task, but killing the germs, viruses, and bacteria that may be present on your cell phone seems like an impossible mission. Think about it, the most common way to kill germs is using harsh chemicals.

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April 15, 2016

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11 Items That May Need Bacteria Removal in Every Hotel Hidden Nasties in Hotel Rooms: 11 Items That May Need Bacteria Removal

Certain items in hotel rooms that are dirtier than toilets. The TV remote controls, bedside lamp switches, telephones, alarm clocks, and other objects are magnets for bacteria that are beyond our vision! Germinator is the solution for hotels.

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April 06, 2016

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Mattresses Harbor Dust Mite Particles Sleeping with the Enemy? You May Need a Mattress Sanitizing

If you wake up sneezing and itching with watery eyes or a runny nose, you may be allergic to indoor pollutants, including dust mites. It may come as a shock that you are constantly in direct contact with millions of dust mites that live in your ma...

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