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Blog Posts for the year 2016

July 18, 2016

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Offices are Hotspots for Germs and Viruses Germs Can Thrive at the Office, Too! Is Your Office at Risk?

It is important that office buildings take the appropriate measures to help protect their surfaces against the threat of harmful microbes. Germinator has developed a patent-pending process that provides a new generation of microbial protection.

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July 11, 2016

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Privacy Curtains in Medical Facilities Can Harbor Germs Privacy Curtains Can Harbor Germs in Medical Facilities

People think that hospitals are germ-free environments, nevertheless, they are highly exposed to infections, which raise the risk of disease transmission. Privacy curtains are very vulnerable to bacteria since many people touch them.

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July 04, 2016

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The Difference Between Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Disinfecting Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Sanitizing: Is There a Difference?

There is a lot of misconception about the terms cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing, to the point that people use them interchangeably. This confusion can even lead to critical bad practices. To clear up this mess, we are going to explain the d...

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June 28, 2016

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Germ Removal Can Help Prevent Mrsa Infections Germ Removal Can Help Prevent MRSA Infections in Gyms

MRSA is a drug-resistant bacterium that can quickly spread in gyms and locker rooms. It can thrive on your skin without causing any harm. The need for proper sanitizing and disinfecting at gyms should be at the forefront of every facility.

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June 20, 2016

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The Creepy Truth Why Libraries Need Germ Removal The Creepy Truth About Why Libraries Need Germ Removal

One big problem with libraries is that since they have a large number of books – some of which are never used – they also have a tremendous amount of dust and dust mites. We will take an in-depth look at what libraries can do about it.

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June 03, 2016

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People Usually Eat While Playing Video Games How to Eliminate the Germs on Your Video Game Controllers with Electronic Equipment Sanitizing

You may not be aware of this, but your video game controllers are hotbeds for germs and bacteria. Studies have shown that they have five times more germs and bacteria than your toilet seat. Pretty gross, right? You may be wondering how they can be...

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May 30, 2016

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Residential Sanitizing and Disinfecting Can Help Homes Residential Sanitizing and Disinfecting Can Help You Create an Allergen-Free Home

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), on average, Americans spend 93% of their time indoors. With so much time spent indoors, it would be more than logical that asthmatics maintain a hygienic indoor environment.

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May 24, 2016

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If You Think Playgrounds Are Cleaner Than Public Restrooms Think Again! If You Think Playgrounds Are Cleaner Than Public Restrooms, Think Again!

Health researchers around the world have carried out studies evaluating the number of germs present in children's playgrounds, and the results have been consistent.

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May 17, 2016

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MRSA Can Infect The Blood Stream MRSA Is a Threat. Learn How to Thwart It with Ozone Sanitizing

As of 01/01/2020 we no longer provide Ozone Sanitizing. This service is one of the many methods we have used in our quest to offer the most effective sanitizing and disinfecting. These studies and experiments led us to our current process, with pr...

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May 12, 2016

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Germinator Can Sanitize and Disinfect any Commercial Business Including Restaurants Are Restaurants Sanitizing and Disinfecting Effectively?

Everyone likes to dine out from time to time, but anyone who has dined out regularly is bound to have experienced a restaurant visit gone bad. A lot of the time, it has nothing to do with the food and more to do with the restaurant's cleanline...

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